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Our Team
Janelle Nolan

Janelle Nolan

Janelle Nolan has more than 25 years of experience in environmental consulting, focused on terrestrial resources and regulatory compliance. She has managed and served as principal biologist for Federal Energy Regulatory Commission hydroelectric relicensing projects, Endangered Species Act Section 7 consultations, habitat conservation plans, special-status species mitigation monitoring and management plans, California Environmental Quality Act and National Environmental Policy Act analyses, wetland delineations and permitting (Clean Water Act Section 404, 401, and California Fish and Game Code 1600), constraints and opportunities reports, and environmental training and regulatory compliance programs. Ms. Nolan has worked for a variety of utilities in California, including Southern California Edison, Pacific Gas & Electric, Placer County Water Agency, Nevada Irrigation District, Sacramento Municipal Utility District, and the Kern and Tule Hydro, LLC....

Ms. Nolan has an in-depth knowledge and understanding of the regulatory processes and permitting requirements for the federal and state Endangered Species Acts and has established working relationships with agency representatives. This includes addressing complex endangered species issues and preparing and negotiating study plans and reports; biological assessments, and biological evaluations; Habitat Conservation Plans (traditional and low-effect); mitigation, monitoring, and management plans; and mitigation bank evaluations.

Ms. Nolan specializes in the development of unique approaches to determine project impacts and development of avoidance, protection, and mitigation measures that are consistent with the level of impact. In some cases, these approaches became the agencies’ new standard for addressing similar issues on other projects.

Sara Reece

Sara Reece

Sara Reece has more than 17 years of experience in terrestrial biology, writing and editing, permitting, and project management. Ms. Reece has led environmental permitting efforts for projects that are subject to the California Environmental Quality Act and the National Environmental Policy Act requirements, as well as those requiring permitting under the Clean Water Act and the California Fish and Game Code (Sections 1600 to 1602). Most recently, Ms. Reece has facilitated private-public partnerships with the U.S. Department of Agriculture – Forest Service. The goal of these partnerships is to streamline federal permitting processes, allowing for faster and more efficient implementation of forest management projects, with the goal of reducing the potential for stand-reducing fire within national forests. Ms. Reece has played a key role in ten major Federal Energy Regulatory Commission relicensing efforts including leading terrestrial biological consultations and field studies, overseeing the development of technical study reports and developing Biological Assessments for Endangered Species Act Section 7 negotiations.